Monday, October 22, 2012

Shanghai.. my 2nd home.

Shanghai.. love this place. It is a functional alcohlic's dream. I left the club and not only was the Sun out but people were going to work... All the men are fine as hell... This place is def worth the 14 hour flight..

Bar Rouge: God sends every good looking man in the world to this bar on Friday night. I'm sure...
 My roomie!

NYE 2012 (yes im on CP time)
 Everywhere you go there is 100,000 people touching you.


BEIJING.. *hated it* 2 snaps

Flew my mom to China for her birthday and we went to Beijing. I froze my Creole Ass off! There are no salt trucks on the Great Wall so I spent most of the walk ice skating. lol

All i was thinking was: TAKE THE DAMN PICTURE IM COLD! Beautiful background!

Beijing in the summer.. way better. if you think you are taking a cab somewhere plan to wait 1 hour!!

 I'm pretty sure this is the 1st rollercoaster in China. I saw Beyonce do it so if she is still alive i thought i would be okay.

Worst Hooters ever.. They didn't even have crab legs!!

Culture Shock.... In your own country...

So the contract is up and I decided to come back to America. I've been here for one month.. Do I regret it? No.. Am I ready to go? Hell yes!!!! Everyone thinks I hate America, which is not true. I enjoy it from a distance. Imagine living in a cage then someone lets you outside the cage. You start to explore and your whole outlook changes. Then someone puts you back in the cage.. You would go CRAZY! That's just how I feel. When you live in America you believe everywhere is like that. Then once you experience a different way of life you have trouble going back to your life. Everyday I have a what the hell moment.
      I miss the calmness of China. The people are happy and they smile. The people in Chicago wake up pisted off. I never go off in china and I almost snap on someone everyday. My face has broken out like a boy at 15. I've gained weight thanks to to the triple portions the restaurants give you. The men.... That's the next blog. Parties: hmmm. Well, I am the life of the party. The people in China come out to have fun instead of trying to get chose. I miss my old life. I miss the luxury of not worrying about getting shot. Every time I hear sirens I get scared. There are no sirens in China. The police directs traffic. I'm getting ready to go back to Jinan. I'm changing schools. Looking for a new apartment and starting a new company. It's a little overwhelming because I'm making a bigger transition. Last year I was just moving for a year. Now I'm planning a total transition: thinking the next 3-5 years I'll be living in Jinan. I have to make travel arrangements for my son, my yorkie. I'm completely stressed out because everything is taking longer than expected and I have no patience. I'll put my trust in God and will keep y'all posted!!!!