Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I will bring you down...... To Chinatown!!!

" I will be watching you and if I find that you are trying to corrupt my first born child, I will bring you down, baby. I will bring you down to Chinatown. " One of my favorite lines in "Meet the Parents" That is exactly how Sam's mom looked at me at dinner. Yes, I have met the parents. All my Chinese friends are so geeked and damn near planning a wedding. In China, that's the last step before getting married. I know you're thinking, I thought she was single.. I am. I'm still confused how this happen.

So I'm in the mall with hella bags. My phone rings and its Sam. ( the guy from other posts who asked about marriage) We have small talk and then he says hold on I will put you on speaker. I'm thinking he has friends over and they want to say hello. His father starts talking and Sam translates: can you come to dinner with my family tomorrow. My mind says why? I can eat at home. Unfortunately, I was raised with manners and said sure.
Next afternoon I go to Sam's house. Awkward is an understatement. Sam is from countryside so his family have never seen a black person(foreigner as what they call it, because they don't see my color just me as non Chinese). There are his father and cousins. His cousins wanted to take a picture of me, which is expected. I asked them to take a picture with me but they ran and hid like some roaches when you turn the light on. My favorite part was going in the kitchen and saying hello to his mother. She turned around not knowing I was there and just saw my face. Her facial expression really also made me fall out. PURE COMEDY!!!!
So no one in the family speaks English and I couldn't understand their Chinese. So what did I do? Smile and nod. Then I started to count things in Chinese and Spanish in my head so I wouldn't fall asleep from boredom. It felt really awkward for me. Then I thought how would it be it this was my family. The only person I would be able to talk to would be my children. I always said I hoped my future husband family doesn't speak English that way I wouldn't have to talk to them. (Don't judge me) After meeting his family, I realized that's not what I want. I want my family and his family to be one big family.
Dinner was quite a treat. Someone put a chicken's head on my plate. That's always fun. I believe his father liked me. Then most fathers love me. I spoke some Chinese he just smiled and laughed. His mother was looking at me like I was Mitt Romney. ( he's the devil here) I wanted to say " look mom, I'm not even fucking your son, relax." So I said it in my head.

After about 12 fake yawns, Sam says let me take you home I know you're tired. I did the cabbage patch in my head and said I'll get my coat. Overall, it wasn't horrible. Atleast, if they never meet another black person they have a positive opinion about us. Sometimes I forget that I'm not in America because I always think someone will be disrespectful towards me because I'm black. Although I couldn't communicate with his family they were very nice to me. Honestly in China, I haven't encountered much racism. Sam is a GREAT guy. Any girl would be lucky to have him. He has his shit together. Great job, about to buy a house, would be a great husband and father. But that's not the love of my life. I really don't think I've met the love of my life yet. I refused to settle for anything less..
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Spend New Year's Eve 2013 in South Africa!!!

Everyone talks about how they want to travel. Here's your chance.. Spend New Years 2013 in South Africa... Here's the itinerary!!!
Dec 26 – Travel Day (Washington D.C. – Johannesburg)
Dec 27 – Arrival Johannesburg, Welcome and Trip Briefing
Dec 28 – Soweto Tour & Apartheid Museum (lunch included) and let’s party!
Dec 29 – Safari at Pilanesburg Game Reserve (lunch included)
Dec 30 – Travel to Cape Town, dinner and let’s party!
Dec 31 – Ring in the New Year with a Champagne New Year’s Eve Cruise on the Atlantic Ocean
Jan 1 – Day at Leisure
Jan 2 – Travel Day (Cape Town – Johannesburg – Washington D.C.)
Jan 3– Arrive back in USA
Then we have payment plans! No excuses!!!!! Interested or want more info??

Here's the website: