Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Birthday and catch up!!!

I've been MIA and my apologies.. I have 5000 hustles and between my store Fashion Cloudz and my import/ export company I have no time. I've decided that I'm not going to teach next year. Nor, do I really want to work for someone therefore I'm busting my ass now so I can relax more next year. Getting my companies up and running have been extremely stressful but everything now is slowly starting to come together.

My birthday was amazing. Partying with friends and I had a great time! Mr send it does what he does best. Send something. After my birthday we went out separate ways. Well I did. Rich men have a problem with understanding you don't want them. He still has his friends call me trying to reason with me. You can have your momma call, I will still say tell your son go play in traffic. If you want to send something send all my friends to china. Then I will understand. In the words of my grandpa, " I don't take a backseat to anything"

Pics of my birthday

Also went back to Beijing for the David Guetta festival on the Great Wall. I'm starting to slowly like Beijing again.... Lol.