Friday, August 10, 2012

My apologies....

Some of you may know that I recently took the best vacation of my life all by myself. I went to Thailand. That place is simply amazing. From the food, to the people, to the beautiful secenary. I miss it already. I spent about two weeks there. I meditated, partied, tanned, etc. While I was there I met a guy from England. We both were having breakfast and just started to talk. I'm not a religious person. I don't go around quoting bible verses and trying to convert everyone. Infact, the thing I can't stand is a Jesus Freak that goes around judging people because they have been saved for 5 mins. I'm spiritual. I believe that everyone comes into your life for a reason. I learned alot from that man in our 10 min conversation. Somehow we got on the topic on gifts and as humans it is our duty to share our gifts with other people. The purpose of life is to be inspired and to inspire other people. To make a long story short. I have been selfish. I have the opportunity to travel the world and its my duty as a human being to share my experiences. I want to inspire other people to be fearless and follow their dreams like I did. When you travel not only do you learn about other people but you grow as person. For the ones who cannot travel, I want you to feel like you were with me. Me posting pics on instagram is not enough. So again my apologies. I will put 100 percent into sharing my experiences with you.

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