Monday, September 10, 2012

If not..... you are the Prototype

My teenage love affair is what I've been calling it, although its the complete opposite. My boo is named Ethan. I've been lying to myself cause he's def more but I'm American: we take things slow. This man is amazing and I'm blessed to share space with him. Yeah it's that real. Out of all places I met him late night Saturday at the club. We the only ones still dancing at 3am, being the life of the party. Lol. Caught eyes starting dancing then he invited me to his table for a drink. That's inevitable in china. Lol. Drank, danced and had a ball. Lost track of time and looked up we were the only ones in the club. Literally the dj was packing his stuff.

Didn't think nothing of it but just a great time. Exchanged numbers and we went to dinner. Again he ordered everything on the menu( Chinese way) and we partied. We've been together ever since. Everyday. We talk, qq and then he comes over and we have dinner together. This man buys fresh groceries and cooks for me, then cleans up. This man buys gifts just because. 2 bracelets I have yet to take off since he gave it to me.

In a perfect world, we prob would get married have 2 babies and live happily ever after in china. This man adores me. He constantly tells me how he feels about me, he's a great listener, and looks me in my eyes and tells me I'm beautiful. In our short time, he knows my looks and their meanings. I never have to explain my feelings because he understands. Every girl should have a man like that. The crazy thing is that we don't even speak the language but yet we understand perfectly. When I'm sick, he wipes my nose. Usually us women feel like we have to be perfect. Have to look perfect, act perfect but make it look effortless. That shit exhausting!!!! One lesson I have to learn is that there is a man that will think you are beautiful without you putting any effort.

So I don't live in a perfect world. In a movie we prob end holding hands at 80 years old laughing about how we overcame and made it. This ain't the movies. I learned from my parents divorce it takes more than love to make things work. This is reality. I go back to America in one week and don't know when I'm coming back to china. Also, WE are colorblind. I think our feelings are so intense for each other we don't realize that one is black and the other is Chinese. I don't even think we realize we don't speak the same language. But the world and our families will. We both come from traditional families. My family is prob more opened because they know I give 0 fucks about anyone's opinion( gift and a curse) . My babe is in his family business. Their culture is to be obedient. He has already told me he's rebellious and won't care if his father disapproves. I care. I would never want to cause him any heartbreak between his family. I even really care or I could just be thinking of a thousand excuses on why it wouldn't work cause I'm just scared. (lol at least I don't need a therapist. I know exactly what's wrong with me) anyhoo. I don't even think anyone would believe that we only been knowing each other for a week. We have told each other secrets that our closest friends don't even know. I can't even describe what we have in words. Even if life does not bring us back I think we will always in each others heart. I used to have a list and this dream man that I want my future husband to be like. Now "Ethan" is the prototype for my future husband...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Coloring outside the lines...

The main question I get asked is " is the rumor true" lol... I remember reading in cosmo that statistically asian men all the smallest... Now that I have been dating for about 12 years now. I don't think you can classify someone sexual expectations just on race.. My friends "who arent black" always say I heard the best things about black men.. They all want to try a black guy.. They heard great things about their size, and what they do.. I promise EVERYONE GETS THEIR FACTS FROM A MOVIE THEY SAW.. Everytime you ask someone where did you get that from they always say a movie... lol.. I never dated outside my race until I got to China... Now everyone thinks I hate all black men because i don't prefer to not date them. At the end of the day I'm a Christian. Im not supposed to see color... but thats another blog...

Back to dating outside my race. I have dated Chinese and European.... Ladies the rumors are NOT true... I can testify but don't want to incriminate myself. lol.. Chinese men are VERY different.  For one they make you feel like you are the only girl in the world. Every time I go on a date I don't want to go home. Its always whatever you want. Now I have been here for one year and have been a dating whore. ( just dating tho) Can't be in China and not experience the culture completly. When you go to dinner, they order the WHOLE menu for you. No matter how much you tell them I can't eat all this, they say" Have a try" Trust I'm a black girl with hips. I can eat. Even then I'm like its too much. I remember I told a man" I want dumplings. He ordered every dumpling on the menu. Again this is China. Can you imagine how many types of dumpling there are? 

There are 2 types of chinese men. The ones who are rich and don't give a fuck.. They invented Yolo... Then you have the quieter ones. I don't go out with anyone broke. Call me what you want.. There are older Chinese men who are married. The one thing about China there is NO LYING. There is no I'm separated, she doesn't love me, we just roomates bullshit you hear in America. They tell you from the getgo.. I'm married I love my wife. I love my children. It's very common for successful men to have girlfriends but they NEVER leave their wives... They tell you " I want to be your big brother" usually im like I already have a brother.. we don't hold hands. lol...  Another thing is that they don't kick you to the curb if you don't want to have sex... Most of them are okay with having a beautiful girl on their arm. Since there few pretty black girls they want me on their arm to show off. I'm cool with that.
The younger ones want to get married. They don't waste no time. I have had countless convos about marriage... Its funny because in America men are terrified of having a girlfriend. They're cool with having a boo thang. Seriously I go out on a few dates, then they ask about marriage. DEAD SERIOUS. If you are not trying to get married, its over.. lol... So i lost contact with a few people. lol..Then you have your occasional assholes, then you meet in the club then they ask you to go home.. I meant a Chinese basketball player that was a typical basketball player.. 

I have friends who are in committed relationships with Chinese men. American culture is really based on one thing. SEX. Everywhere you go, everything you see or hear has to do with sex. As a result, people always want to have sex. Here, their culture is FAMILY. They almost look down upon being sexually expressive. As a result, don't expect to get your back blown out every night. Booty calls, yeah thats not happening either. They like that weekly love. lol.. maybe twice a week.. Yeah, that circumcision thing is rare too!!! . My friend had sex with a chinese man and he used the word "Change" after 2 pumps when he wanted to switch up. 30 secs later it was over. My other girl told me the 1st time she had sex with her boo, he screamed "I like the feeling!!!! FIRE!!!!!! when his happy ending came.. He didn't know very much english.. She thought WTF.. Well I guess she literally likes to play with fire cause she married him...

Overall, I like Chinese men.. Hell, I like whoever treats me nice...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

 I finally found something in Asia that was bigger than me!!! Riding elephants was on my bucket list.. I love animals. My elephant was soo gentle and she loved me.. Rule of thumb. wear OFF when going thru the jungle... I got soaked when she got hot..She went to the river and splashed water on body including me.. But is was like 100 degrees so I didn't mind... Also met a monkey that grabbed my boobs and opened my purse and tried to take my money.. Everyone over here has smaller boobs than me so I'm ued to them getting grabbed.


The biggest beach party is the Full Moon Party. It seems like everyone know about this except Americans. Its every full moon of the month on the Koh Phangan island in Thailand. There is actually a party every night there. UNBELIEVABLE.. Let me tell you working for a record label I've been to some GREAT parties... this was no comparison. Most people are around 25 and from Europe.. They have buckets of vodka for like 20 dollars... BEST PARTY OF MY LIFE. No drama, everyone is nice and having a ball. I went to the island alone and every night I met a group of people and hung out with them. Dance on tables to house music with a fine man on my arm and a bucket of red bull and vodka.. Can life be any better?

Some pics of Bangkok... LOVE THIS CITY.. I took a boat ride and spent a day mediating with God and Buddha.. Also got a pedicure where the fish eat the dead skin.. Didn't hurt although I was terrified. Pics of the money and the King.. I was BMF in bangkok... which im paying for now. lol... Also went to the Ping Pog  show. The strippers look like they should have been on the Biggest Loser. They even had sex on stage. Clearly, I've been in PG China too long. I was like OMG!!!