Saturday, September 10, 2011

My first couple of days.......

The flight on United was pure hell with gasoline panties on!!!  They told the pilot the wrong time so the flight was delayed 2 hours which caused me to miss my connection and sleep in the airport. I'm just not getting my luggage after being here for 3 days. Luckily, i packed a few pieces in my carry on, lol. It is a totally new experience, an adventure to say the least. I'm still recovering from my culture shock. People here cannot drive at all. On the way home, the driver chose to drive in both lanes rather than choosing one. The he would pause in the middle of the highway to look at his compass. I never understood how people can be from a place and now know where they're going. Crossing the street is like playing Russian roulette with your life. You just dash and hope for the best. I usually cross with someone else cause I know they're get hit first. Don't hate on my survival skills. I'm from Chicago, southside  to be exact.
          I rode on the back of a scooter when my friend picked me up. I usually wear sunglasses so they wont see my look of surprise on my face. Only one butt cheek actually fitted on the seat. You balance, hold your legs up and close your eyes because sometimes they ride towards oncoming traffic. The only thing I could think of was if my health insurance kicked it and do they have translators in the hospital. These people are pretty intelligent because they're are never any accidents. The food is different as well. Its not like Mr. Chows! They have soup as their drink. A Chinese hamburger consists of a mystery meat, egg and cucumber. I had a beef pie was actually quite delicious. My stomache is just now adjusting as well!
         The people here are the nicest people in the world. Living in America, you almost forget that people can be nice without having a motive. It's quite refreshing. In the 4 days I've been here I'm most certain I'm not raising my children in America. Everyone is so helpful and nice to each other. The Chinese hardly ever argue, the women don't roll their eyes when another Chinese woman walks in the room. Its such a sense of togetherness. I heard BANG BANG BANG, My Chicagoness came out cause i almost hid under the table. It wasn't gunshots it was firecrackers..... you know why? Cause someone got married. They celebrate Marriage here!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot  that people get married anymore. There were 30 Audi's lined up on the street. The father of that bride isn't going through a recession! Then again you're only allowed to have one child here might as well go all out. Most of the women my age here are married. Its funny because all the women my age are single back at home including myself.
         Shopping is GREAT here!!! They're clothes are small here though but shoes are everywhere. They have markets that you can argue the price down. The sell fruit, vegetables and everything possible outside in the street. Whatever I want is in walking distance.  The market by my house have pet shops that would Pist PETA off. I love animals but would I buy a pet here. HELL NO. I guess I'm the only want that wants  a shot record with their purchase. I saw 200 parakeets in one cage. About 3 dogs in one cage, Thousands of turtles, rabbits etc. I love animals and every time I walk pass i want to buy all of them just to give them a better life. Then common sense kicks in.
        My apartment is nice according to standards here.I've seen other apartments so I'm blessed. I have no bugs so no complaints. The bathroom consist of a toilet and you shower on top of the toilet. There is no separation. Most people have a hole in the floor that you just squat. I used that today at my school. My legs will be on point soon. Esp. since my apartment is on the 6th floor with no elevator. Overall, I love it here. Jet lag is a no joke!!!!! I'm such in a serene place here. I only work 14 hours out the week. I like it here.  I know God has me at the right place at the right time. I'm soo thankful............


  1. Are you in the same area as Arey?

  2. got me excited to see what happens next

  3. Hey lady this is Blak. I hope you get adjusted soon. I believe in you. Good luck!

  4. Arey is a few hours away. I would never live too close to him! Thanks guys for your support!!!
