Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Everyone loves a Brown Girl

Usually the most asked question I get is how do the men treat you? How is it over there? Are they racist? Etc. With this post I will 100 percent honest (as if I'm never am) and just try to address all racial questions that is usually asked.
Before I moved to China, I was extremely worried that people would hate me because I'm Black. Just like everyone else my only experience with the Asian culture was being followed around the store by one. I was also very ignorant to the fact that its completely different races: Chinese, Japanese, Korean,Vietnamese, Thai, etc. Were almost brainwashed to think as if they are all the same. I would say in America you are reminded of your color far more than most places.
I'm sure everyone may not be treated the same but I can only give account on what I've experienced. Overall being black in China has been a 95 percent positive experience. For my first year here, I kept thinking to myself why are these people so nice to me? Maybe they don't know I'm Black! I live in Jinan, Shandong and that place is known to be a city with the nicest people in China. Some people here say " No, you're not black, you're brown." Other people say you just a foreigner. I can honestly say I haven't experienced racism here.
Now when it comes to relationships I heard people say " Chinese men don't like black women." I also heard that they just want to fuck you." So I'm just going to keep it real. Sure some man just want to hit it. That's just some men are about regardless of race. I also would say I've met 2 different men parents who wanted to MARRY me. So clearly I killed that stereotype and if it was up to someone else I would be married at this moment.

Now of course I've been approached on Chinese social sites by strangers asking me How much do you charge for sex? I usually respond "the same price your mother charges. " Then that conversation is over. I've had guys who tried to get me drunk (which is impossible) and think the panties will slide down so again certain things happen everywhere. For the most part, I feel like they adore me. When you're out with them, it's all about you. They order everything on the menu for you. They always keep your glass full, open doors etc. In the club, they don't even talk to you without buying a drink. I've had guys buy bottles for me and my friends said were were beautiful and walked away. One thing about me I'm fun to be around. Life is short and if I die in the next 5 mins I'm be leaving this world having fun. Chinese men love girls who just want to have fun.
Most of you know I was also in a serious relationship with a Chinese man named Ethan. Never and I mean never did I think I would fall for a Chinese guy. We were in a Real relationship. Holding hands, kissing in public type relationship. He bought my family gifts. Sometimes when you click with someone it has no color. I never dated outside my race until I came here. I also never loved a guy the way I love Ethan and I'm having the hardest time getting over it and that's all the way real.

I also took the liberty to ask a few males about what they thought about foreign women. One friend said it was his dream to have a foreign girlfriend because they are so "free and fun" He said he wouldn't marry her because she wouldn't want to live in china forever. (Atleast he's honest with himself)
Friend number two said he wants a foreign girlfriend then proceeded to put his hand in my thigh. I told him nigga please because he may be Chinese but trust he's a nigga. He said he would marry their if their parents would agree. He has no objection marrying a foreign and said he would prefer to marry one.
I asked friend number 3 about black women and he said I was brown not black. So then I said okay " what's your opinion about brown women. He gave some I'm running for president answer like color doesn't matter bullshit, we all are the same. But the crazy part he really believes that. I hope he never goes to America a cause he's losing his life immediatly.
My last friend said he would date a foreign girl but wouldn't marry her cause he prefers chinese and his parents wouldn't agree. He said he's intimated by them In The bedroom. Judging by his hands he should be. Again another reason why I like Chinese people is because they are very honest with themselves and other people.


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